Cheaper-Than-Free Shipping!

"Cheaper-Than-Free" Shipping

Shipping is expensive! Picking, packing, tracking, transportation and delivery - it all costs $$s. And it turns out you're more likely to abandon a purchase if you don't get that expensive thing for free. So how do websites give it for free?

Guess what - they don't!

If a thing costs $10 to buy and $5 to ship you'll generally be told the thing costs $15 and shipping is free! Except it isn't free - you just paid $5 for it!

Here's the "Free-Shipping" rub - if you buy those 2 things with "free shipping" that's $30 of which $10 is really shipping. Except it might not cost them $10 to ship two things together to the same place! You've been had!

What we'll do is calculate it all at checkout. To ship the second thing might only add $2, so we'll charge you $27 instead of $30!

See? Cheaper-Than-Free Shipping! 

You're welcome 😁